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Showing posts from September, 2017

Rink Rage: letting go and seeing the game through the eyes of child

S hoot, Shot, SHOOOOOOOTTTTTTT! Good God what’s wrong with that kid! Ah the refrains of an educated and understanding hockey parent! Or, maybe not.  I have been away for a bit. Couldn’t play hockey because I have been sick for the past 6 weeks. The time off got the grey cells working, regarding the state of parenting in youth sports, mostly hockey, but really you can plug in any support specific nuance into this narrative.   I love this game at every level and the experience that this great game provides for kids, adults and fans. As a kid it teaches humility, teamwork, discipline and too many other great qualities to list here. As an adult returning to the game it taught me all of those as well as enabling me to view life through the lens of a kid. Trust me, my goals now are to be semi-proficient for the 50+ league, not to be the next Bossy. Working with beginners and having a daughter playing has been an interesting experience, that has opened my eyes to the seed...