Hey there readers and members of the hockey family. It has been a long time since I have posted here. In part because my ramblings here lead to a great journey in the field of hockey writing. It have written before about the fantastic and welcoming hockey community that we belong to and the past year has done a lot to reinforce that opinion. I have been able to realize some of my dreams and begin writing in earnest about hockey and continue to do so for a number of outlets. As is the case when we have too many competing interests this blog was left on the virtual shelf, like an unfinished journal to gather dust. I will make sure to update this blog at least 2 monthly to share my story. With that, lets get the blog proper started, shall we? I was struck by this photo or Soviet Cosmonaut and hockey player Yuri Gagarin. His smile is infections and is one that we see repeated on rinks everywhere. You can see this in any rink at any time. That set me about reflection on appreci...
Attempting to bring the spirit of "shoshin" or beginner's mind to relearning the sport of ice hockey. Intent is to amuse, entertain and possibly assist.